Reformed Gospel Tract

RIght or wrong, I have not really been that huge of a fan of Gospel tracts. It’s not that I necessarily have anything against them, I just always thought they were quite cheesy looking, and because of that, were never paid much attention by those to whom we give them.

However, as I was researching tracts yesterday for a packet I’m getting together to hand out at an event in a couple of weeks, I came across these very simple, very sleek, very Biblical Gospel tract. And what’s even better…they’re actually a pretty good price for the quality! Check these out for yourself and let me know what you think.

You can find them by clicking HERE


3 thoughts on “Reformed Gospel Tract

  1. Henry May 27, 2015 / 8:29 am

    I’d just like to pass on another way to help spread the gospel and it’s simply this:-

    Include a link to an online gospel tract (e.g. as part of your email signature.

    An email signature is a piece of customizable HTML or text that most email applications will allow you to add to all your outgoing emails. For example, it commonly contains name and contact details – but it could also (of course) contain a link to a gospel tract.

    For example, it might say something like, “p.s. you might like this gospel cartoon …” or “p.s. have you seen this?”.

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