The Pastor’s Ministry

the pastor's ministryPastoral ministry is a unique calling in many ways. It definitely has its own demands, responsibilities, frustrations, challenges, and  joys that are really not shared by any other vocation. As such, the pastor is particularly subject to getting off course or off track in his pastoral ministry. Appointments, counseling, and home visits can quickly take away from sufficient study time, prayer, and leadership development. And vice versa. Pastors are called to be shepherds of the flock that God has given them … but what exactly does that look like?

A new book by Brian Croft, The Pastor’s Ministry, helps to add some clarification to just what exactly that looks like. What is a pastor supposed to be doing? How is his time supposed to be spent? What are the foundational things that the pastor should be focused on in seeking to fulfill God’s purpose on him as a shepherd? In this book, Croft makes it clear that in order for a pastor to remain steadfast in his life and in his ministry, he must know what exactly it is that God has called him to do — and then do it!

The guiding exhortation of the book comes from 1 Peter 5:2-4, and is summarized by Croft in a single sentence – “Be shepherds of God’s flock under your care until the Chief Shepherd appears” (15).

Working off of that summary of 1 Peter 5, Croft focuses on 10 key priorities that should be at the heart of every pastor’s ministry:

  1. Guard The Truth – A pastor much be committed to teaching the Word of God, willing to preach, teach, and defend its truth even when it is contrary to the culture
  2. Preach The Word – A pastor must faithfully preach the whole counsel of God, carefully explaining and applying the text to his hearers
  3. Pray For The Flock – A pastor must be a faithful intercessor for his flock, constantly bringing the needs of his church before God
  4. Set An Example – A pastor must be an example to his flock, modeling righteous behavior, confession, and repentance
  5. Visit The Sick – A pastor should be one who visits those who are sick and in need of care and encouragement, modeling and training his congregation to do the same
  6. Comfort The Grieving – A pastor should be one who comforts those grieving in the face of death, reminding them of the hope of the Gospel
  7. Care For Widows – A pastor is responsible to lead the congregation to provide care for the widows of the church
  8. Confront Sin – A pastor needs to confront sin and lead the church to exercise church discipline where needed, with the goal of repentance and reconciliation
  9. Encourage The Weaker Sheep – A pastor needs to model patience and persevering hope by working with those who are difficult, despairing, and challenging
  10. Identify And Train Leaders – A pastor is called to identify, train, and affirm leaders in the church, actively seeking out the next generation of leaders.

Each chapter in the book corresponds to one of these “10 Key Priorities.” Each chapter is clear, concise, and very helpful to anyone in pastoral ministry, or in any form of leadership in the church. At the end of the book, Croft also pays careful attention to drawing out the fact that the pastor must not only keep a close watch over his flock, but he must also keep a close watch over himself — over his own life. If a pastor focuses all of his attention on doing the “work” of the ministry, without giving careful attention to his own walk with the Lord, his marriage, and his family, his ministry may have the appearance of a strong ministry, but it will be just that — an appearance. Paul tells us very clearly to keep a close watch both on ourselves and on the flock (Acts 20:28). We must not neglect either!

I would strongly recommend this book if you are interested in understanding what it means for a pastor to faithful shepherd his flock. The book is certainly most helpful to pastors — to understand (or re-focus on) the key things that he should be focused on as a pastor. The book is also helpful to anyone in lay-leadership in the church, as he seeks to understand the pastoral ministry better. The book is helpful to any church member who wonders exactly what their pastor is, or should be, doing. Misconceptions concerning what a pastor should be doing abound to no end. This book will help put an end to some of those misconceptions and show the reader what a faithful, biblical, well-balanced pastoral ministry should look like.

If you fall under any of the above categories, I would absolutely recommend you get a copy of this book today by clicking here!

In accordance with FTC regulations, I would like to thank Zondervan for providing me with a review copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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