Book Review – The Expository Genius of John Calvin

The Expository Genius of John Calvin“A world-class theologian, a revered exegete, a renowned teacher, an ecclesiastical statesman, an influential Reformer — he was all of these and more. His name was John Calvin” (2). Steve Lawson, popular pastor, author, and theologian, has offered a great contribution to the literature on John Calvin with this volume, The Expository Genius of John Calvina book which seeks not to just look at the biographical information of who Calvin was, but to dive into what made Calvin the pastor and theologian that he was. Lawson makes the claim that, “Apart from the biblical authors themselves, Calvin stands today as the most influential minister of the Word of God the world has ever seen” (3-4). While that is certainly a high claim to make of anyone, I think that Lawson is not unwarranted in making such a statement.

As already noted, this book by Lawson is not just another biography among the many excellent biographies already written. While he does offer a brief biographical sketch in the first chapter of the book, the remaining seven chapters look into the distinctives that made Calvin the extraordinary pastor, theologian, and exegete that he was. Lawson’s stated goal in writing such a book is “to raise the bar for a new generation of expositors…If you are a preacher or teacher, may you be challenged to a higher standard in your handling of the Word” (xiii).

Lawson offers 32 distinctives that made Calvin who he was as a pastor:

  1. Biblical Authority
  2. Divine Presence
  3. Pulpit Priority
  4. Sequential Exposition
  5. Diligent Mind
  6. Devoted Heart
  7. Relentless Will
  8. Direct Beginning
  9. Extemporaneous Delivery
  10. Scriptural Context
  11. Stated Theme
  12. Specific Text
  13. Exegetical Precision
  14. Literal Interpretation
  15. Cross-References
  16. Persuasive Reasoning
  17. Reasonable Deductions
  18. Familiar Words
  19. Vivid Expressions
  20. Provocative Questions
  21. Simple Restatements
  22. Limited Quotations
  23. Unspoken Outline
  24. Seamless Transitions
  25. Focused Intensity
  26. Pastoral Exhortation
  27. Personal Examination
  28. Loving Rebuke
  29. Polemic Confrontation
  30. Succinct Summation
  31. Pressing Appeal
  32. Climactic Prayer

I found this book by Lawson to be extremely helpful, challenging, and interesting. In addition to being challenged and encouraged by Calvin’s faithfulness to the text and his high view of Scripture and the Pastorate, I was also quite interested in the many helpful practical facts that Lawson includes, such as how long Calvin preached, how he started and ended a sermon, etc. There was quite a lot of “nuts-and-bolts” type information about Calvin and his pastoral ministry, which I found quite interesting.

Overall, I was very pleased with this book and would definitely recommend it to any pastor or ministry leader looking to learn from one of the (if not THE) most important people in all of church history. At just over 100 pages (and small pages, at that), this would definitely be a good weekend or vacation read to introduce you to the pastoral ministry of John Calvin.

In accordance with FTC regulations, I would like to thank Reformation Trust Publishers for providing me with a review copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.